Moving with Children and Pets
Make it a smooth transition for everyone.

Moving with Children and Pets
- Keep children informed about the process so there are no surprises.
- Help them get an address/phone book put together with contact information for their friends.
- Have a bag together for each child that contains favorite PJs, blanket, games, books, toys and snacks.
- Communicate the plan for moving day with them. This should include a safe place for them to hang out while moving is in process.
- Allow children to help pack, label and tape boxes during the packing process.
- Call your vet and ask for print outs of your pets' vaccination and medical records.
- Prepare a pet bag that includes, food and water dishes, food, leash, blanket, toy and treats.
- Make sure you have a travel kennel if needed and try to make sure your pet is comfortable being in it.
- Before moving day starts, try to get some play-time in or go for a walk with your pet.
- On moving day, find a safe and secure location for your pet to stay while the loading/unloading takes place. It is safer for those helping move if your pets are not loose.