Tips & Checklists
Lets get organized!

Moving Tips
- Create a Binder: Create a binder with all important paperwork pertaining to your move. This includes things like phone numbers, moving estimates and paperwork, rental agreements, or purchase agreements for your new home.
- Keep, Sell, Give or Trash: Go through your home and decide what is worth the trouble to move, what you could potentially sell, what you could donate, and what should just be trashed.
- Plan what will go where in your new home: If possible, aquire a floorplan of your new home. Plan where you intend to put your furniture in your new home. If there is a piece that won’t fit, it may be better to get rid of it before the move.
- Last Grocery Shopping Trip: Try to do your last shopping trip 2 weeks before you move to minimize food packing. Try to use up as much as you can, so you will have less to pack, throw away or move.
- Fridge Defrost: If you are moving your fridge, make sure to defrost it and clean it 24 hours before the move.
- Moving Kit: Keep a simple kit around in the final days before your move that includes, a tool kit, cleaning products, cleaning supplies, garbage bags, tape, snacks and bottled water. These items could be stored in a spare laundry basket to make transporting and organization easier.
- Fill out Change of Address forms at your post office or online.
- Arrange for the transfer of school records.
- Change addresses for newspapers, magazines, credit cards, insurance, etc…
- Cancel services such as internet, TV, security, cleaning, lawn maintenance.
- Schedule disconnects for utilities and connections at your new home.
Packing Tips
Green’s offers full packing service which includes careful and proper wrapping and padding of all breakables. If you do choose to pack your own belongings, proper boxes and packing supplies are available for purchase.
- Reinforce the bottoms of your boxes with packing tape before you begin packing the box.
- Make sure not to overload boxes. If they are overpacked, the box may not be able to withstand the weight.
- Remember to always properly wrap delicate items in several layers of bags, towels, newspaper or packing paper.
- Color code your boxes with colored duct tape according to which room they should be delivered to. Make a key so you remember which room corresponds with which color. Having boxes color-coded makes a delivery go much more quickly.
- Use clear packing tape to keep track of screws and other small hardware pieces. Tape together the assortment of screws, nails and hardware for different furniture so you know which goes where. Label the clear tape with a permanent marker stating which piece of furniture it goes with.
- Tackle one room at a time to make it feel less overwhelming.
- Pack heavy/bulky items like books, scrapbooks, photo albums and magazines into suitcases.
- Get creative! Fill your crock-pot and large pans with spices and smaller items.
- Cosmetic Care: To prevent pressed-powder or other cosmetics from breaking, pad them with cotton balls inside the lids.
- Place containers with liquid contents into ziplock bags to prevent messes.